Tools I find useful and interesting.
A React framework that takes a lot of the tooling out of building a static site, as well as providing a simple API for server-side rendering. I have been leaning on Next for my personal projects for the past few months, and am excited to see how it progresses.
Tailwind CSS
A CSS framework which focuses on utility classes, performance, and accessibility. I have been using Tailwind for a few months now, and it has helped me bridge the gap between my projects and styles that are highly user focused.
An extraordinary tool for building and accessing APIs. This is my go-to tool for testing my API endpoints and visualizing the data that I receive.
Tiny Image Proccessor
The program that powers I use this to compress images on my site, and it has helped me significantly reduce the size of my site.
Podcasts I listen to a lot.
Wes Bos and Scott Tolinski are full-stack developers focused on creating courses for web developers. This is a great source for resources, tips, techniques, and mindsets for developers. Peace!